
‘Time’ names Weiwuying art center on top places list

美國 Time 雜誌把衛武營列入偉大地方之一

According to Weiwuying’s Web site, the design by Dutch architect Francine Houben's firm Mecanoo was inspired by the sinuous canopy created by clusters of banyan trees found in the park next to the center.

根據衛武營的網站,荷蘭建築師Francine Houben的公司Mecanoo的設計靈感來自公園旁發現的榕樹叢所形成的彎曲的樹冠。

architect (n.) 建築師

inspire (v.) 啟發,給予靈感

sinuous (a.) 蜿蜒的,彎曲的

canopy (n.) (座位上/床上的)頂罩, 樹冠叢, 樹冠層

cluster (n) (同類物聚集的) 串, 叢, 束, 群

banyan (n.) 榕樹


Since its opening, the four performance venues inside the center have seen world-class acts, including the London Philharmonic Orchestra and Germany’s Berliner Philharmoniker, while the fifth, outdoor, venue has attracted large crowds for open-air performances.


venue (n) 地點

open-air performance (n) 露天表演


The center has also attracted the attention of the BBC, the New York Times, the Guardian, National Geographic and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

衛武營中心還引起了英國廣播公司(BBC),《紐約時報》(New York Times),《衛報》(the Guardian),《國家地理》(National Geographic )和《法蘭克福匯報》(Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)的關注。

Weiwuying said in a statement that being selected as one of the world’s top 100 places by the US magazine is the result of the collective effort of the operation team and other staff.


statement (n) 聲明, 宣告

collective effort 共同的努力

collective (a) 偕同的,共同的,集合的

effort (n) 努力




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