
One of The New York Times 10 Best Books of the Year

Spellbinding, moving--evoking of fascinating region on the other side of the world--this suspenseful and haunting story announces the debut of a profoundly gifted writer.



Spellbinding, moving, this suspenseful and haunting story announces the debut of a profoundly gifted writer.

令人入迷而動人的故事, 這個懸疑的故事也宣告一位有才華作者的誕生

--evoking of fascinating region on the other side of the world--


One August afternoon, on the shoreline of the Kamchatka peninsula at the northeastern edge of Russia, two girls--sisters, eight and eleven--go missing. In the ensuing weeks, then months, the police investigation turns up nothing. Echoes of the disappearance reverberate across a tightly woven community, with the fear and loss felt most deeply among its women.

八月一個下午,在俄羅斯的東北邊緣上的Kamchatka半島, 2個女孩,姊姊和妹妹,一個8歲,一個11歲,失蹤了. 在接下來幾周,之後幾個月,警察調查無果. 女孩失蹤在緊密的社區內造成迴響,恐懼和失去在女性心徘徊不去

這裡一樣用了-- 的註解方式

這單字可以增加詞彙的深度: ensuing

不只有next可以講,這裡又學到ensuing (a.)(v.) 可以當形容詞和動詞,接續而來的

reverberate (v.) 迴響,響應,呼應



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