


need to, 通常是need to + 動詞, 說明某些動作是需要去做否則會有後果(通常是指負面的後果)

例如: I need to call my mom and find out how my dad's surgery went.

我need to 打電話給母親去了解父親手術結果如何

[=It is necessary and important for me to call my mom and find out how my dad's surgery went.]


need to 做某事, 這某事是必須且重要的

另一個例子: She didn't want to go into town, but she needed to buy groceries.

她不想進城但是她need to 買些生活用品,她不想但是還是need to 做某事,不然沒有那些生活用品了

[=It is important that she go into town because she will not have groceries otherwise.]

至於have to 和 must 是可以通用, 這2者使用層面較廣泛

1. 某事是被法律要求

You must file your taxes by April 15th. = You have to file your taxes by April 15th.

have to, must 申報納稅在4月15日之前

2. 某事是意願傾向鼓勵,

例子: You must come visit us. = You have to come visit us.

[=We would like you to visit us.]

3. 強調某事

I must know, where did you get your shoes? = I have to know, where did you get your shoes?

have to, must 知道,你的鞋子哪裡買的

4. 可以利用have to 和must 去表達生氣

Must you be so annoying? = Do you have to be so annoying?


由以上的例子可以知道need to 用於你想要做某事否則會有後果或是無法如願無法得知消息

have to 和 must 的用法比較廣泛, 甚至可以用來傳達不悅的感覺


Many Thanks for reading

資料來源: http://www.learnersdictionary.com/qa/must-have-to-and-need



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