
Restaurants around the world strive (v.努力) to earn the coveted (a.夢寐以求的) Michelin star status — but what exactly are Michelin stars, and why are they so important?

世界各地的餐廳都在努力贏得夢寐以求的米其林星級地位——但米其林星級到底是什麼? 為什麼它們如此重要?


While the Michelin brand is globally well-known (a.世界知名的) for its tires, the Paris-based(a.位於巴黎的) company is also famous for its annual Michelin Guide. The prestigious(a.著名的) red guide dates all the way back to 1900, when Michelin began encouraging new drivers to take road trips to local attractions. Among other things, the guide included anonymous (a.匿名的) European restaurant reviews that focused on the quality and flavor of food served, as well as mastery of culinary technique (n.烹飪技術) and personality of the dishes.

雖然米其林品牌因其輪胎而享譽全球,但這家總部位於巴黎的公司也因其年度米其林指南而聞名。著名的紅色指南可以追溯到 1900 年,當時米其林開始鼓勵新司機到當地景點進行公路旅行。除此之外,該指南包括匿名的歐洲餐廳評論,重點關注所提供食物的質量和風味,以及對烹飪技術的掌握和菜餚的個性。




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