
(CNN)One of Hollywood's highest profile marriages is over.

Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce from husband Brad Pitt, citing irreconcilable differences.
According to the court documents, the pair separated on September 15, two years and one
month after they married in August 2014.


irreconcilable(a.) : 不能理解,不可調和



Jolie is seeking physical custody of their six children and asking the court to grant Pitt visitation.
She is also asking to keep "miscellaneous jewelry and other personal effects" as well as any
earnings from after the date of their separation and other separate assets to be determined later.


custody(n.) : 照管,監護

grant(v.) : 給予

miscellaneous(a.) : 各式各樣的

裘莉尋求6個小孩的監護權,並要求法庭只給布萊德探視權. 他也要求保留各式各樣的珠寶和個人的收入, 還有從此之後任何所得



Already there is speculation that a tabloid-friendly, child-unfriendly custody battle may ensue over
their six children. But a source close to them asserted that both sides want a cordial breakup.
"Other than the fame of the people involved, this is like so many other divorces," the source said.
"I am very saddened by this, but what matters most now is the wellbeing of our kids," Pitt said
Tuesday in a statement to CNN. "I kindly ask the press to give them the space they deserve
during this challenging time."


speculation(n.) : 思索, 推測

tabloid(n.) : 小報

cordial(a.) : 友好的, 真誠的

wellbeing(n.) : 福祉, 安康


這是一個充滿小道消息,但是對小孩子傷害的監護權戰爭. 有消息指出雙方都要一個友好的分開. 除了牽扯其中的人物,這就如很多其他的離婚. 布萊德聲明這使他非常傷心,但是更重要的是小孩的幸福. 他希望大眾給他們空間在這個非常時期





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